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Body & Soul Healing Journey


Is your relationship with food and your body not what you would like it to be? Do you struggle with your lifestyle, body image or weight (both under/overweight) and do you feel that there is more to the story? Then this journey is for you.


Together we will dive into your energy body, your soul history and your cellular memory while adjusting your lifestyle step by step. Attuned to your personal needs and situation. Each journey is unique and will unfold as needed.


As an experienced nutritionist of twenty years, doing mostly energy work today I have discovered a link between our relationship with food and certain experiences in this life or other lives influencing our relationship with our body, food and life on earth. Me and my guides would love to assist you in healing your relationship with yourself, your soul and your food. 


In this journey of 11 sessions, we will work together on both an energetic and physical level. Adjusting your energy body and your physical body at the same time. While we work in healing- and akashic sessions you will also be guided towards a more healthy and balanced lifestyle. Although I am a big lover of healthy foods, in my approach, joy and food go hand in hand. While we focus on a healthy lifestyle, there is always room for celebration and the healing power of enjoying the pleasures that life has to offer.


On this journey you will receive:

- 11 sessions (healing and akashic)

- Coaching & support mostly by email for your questions regarding your nutritional journey

- Recipes

- Lifestyle document with lifestyle & meal suggestions, tips & tricks and fun information to fuel your appetite for healthy foods 


Experiences of others:


Eva Mariam tunes in to information about your situation and request for help and does so with the utmost care, purity and integrity. In my case, this led to knowledge and energy that moved me forward and upwards, and Eva gave me insights that healed old emotions and brought about wisdom. She helped me to transform old patterns and forge new paths. I wish everyone to become acquainted with her high attunement and healing qualities." Irene


"Eva Mariam's guides immediately brought up, without my input, the subject I had been working on for the previous months. It felt like it was addressed at its core and that the topic/painful subject could now be closed, including for my ancestors. The circle was literally complete. After the healing session I felt “cleared up” and I still have that light feeling now, days later. I found it incredible to feel how Eva is attuned to her own guides, but also to me and my guides at the same time. It felt like an intense collaboration! Miriam


Body & Soul Healing Journey

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